Monday, February 27, 2006
Jewish Book Week
In case you don't know Jewish Book Week is happening all this week… there are some interesting talks and events… I had a great day working there on Sunday… I'll write more at the end of the week…
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You are feeling sleepy
I've started doing an Autogenic Training course, a kind of self-hypnosis, so if you see me and I'm Zen like, you'll know why. Maybe it had something to do with the patterned tights? I don't think I've worn patterned tights since I was a kid. N thank you, it was a lovely party, I hope you enjoyed it too - no pressure or anything, but when's the next one? I think we want to shake the neighbours a bit more...
News of Ken has reached Israel, very funny email on the subject from a cousin, I guess a small distraction.
I really want to see Capote.
News of Ken has reached Israel, very funny email on the subject from a cousin, I guess a small distraction.
I really want to see Capote.
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Saturday, February 25, 2006
B is for Blog

Originally uploaded by Frizzworld.
I just had a mad rush into Kingston, I got to John Lewis with 9 minutes to spare... there's nothing like the pressure of time to make decisions... I bought some strange patterned tights to wear at a party this evening - I think I'm going for the slightly cool, but more likely wacky look.
We had an interesting post Yoga discussion about old Ken, I think we all agreed that he shouldn't have been suspended, but there was a majority that thought he had gone too far and should have apologized. There was one dissenting voice that thought there was a subtext going on between Ken and Finegold.Also, praise for George Clooney and Good Night, and Good Luck, I missed his interview on Late Review, shame the BBC doesn't do downloads for short pieces like that.
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Friday, February 24, 2006
Oxford Street

Originally uploaded by Frizzworld.
A blurred Oxford Street with Chinese Lanterns - an early celebration for the 2008 Olympics - I'm not sure, do you think they are going to be up for the next two years?
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Thursday, February 23, 2006
Answers on a Postcard
Web 2.0... because I keep coming across it and didn't know what it meant.
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Jews Kick Ass

Originally uploaded by Frizzworld.
S sent this in an email...
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I finally saw Hidden after about three aborted attempts. Not at all what I was expecting and now I need to read the reviews to explain it's twists and turns - I understand the gist of it, but I'm confused by some of it, especially the last scene - won't say anything - except that it's definitely worth seeing.
Had a breakthrough with the braces - my first Indian meal, I even managed the Poppadums, and because of the type of braces - no elastics - I don't have to worry about staining... My gums are a bit cut up again though - from being lazy and not using the wax... new mantra, must remember the wax.
Next weeks dispatches sounds interesting: Stealing Your Freedom (Monday 27 Feb @ 8pm).
Had a breakthrough with the braces - my first Indian meal, I even managed the Poppadums, and because of the type of braces - no elastics - I don't have to worry about staining... My gums are a bit cut up again though - from being lazy and not using the wax... new mantra, must remember the wax.
Next weeks dispatches sounds interesting: Stealing Your Freedom (Monday 27 Feb @ 8pm).
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Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Selling out: test
I've signed up to Google Ads, an exercise in displacement. I'd like to change to a paid host, so I thought I'd give the ads a go and see if they will fund the cost. If you are feeling bored/generous, please have a click. Thank you...
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Monday, February 20, 2006
Frizz free
and very cold - not that one has anything to do with the other.... apparently it's going to get even colder... as long as it doesn't rain...
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Sunday, February 19, 2006
Film fest
Yes, I watched the BAFTAs - wasn't it a matinee idol fest for Stephen Fry. Good speech by Puttnam. Great that Brokeback Mountain won, although I haven't seen it yet, so I hope it's great, I do think Ang Lee is a wonderful director, I seem to be one of the few people who loved The Ice Storm.
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Telephone non-systems
Had a nightmare this week trying to get a telephone number from a certain large bank with a new telephone system which is absolutely appalling... Get Human is trying to put together a list of cheats, unfortunately the 'bank' in question isn't there yet, but the site's worth checking out.
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Braces update week 2
Two weeks tomorrow since the braces were put on and already if I close my mouth I can forget they are even there. My gums still get a bit sore if I don't use any wax for a while, and I still can't really chew, although I did mange a fruit bar, with the odd nut, I wouldn't recommend it. My teeth have definitely already moved (yes, yes I'm thinking about posting pictures – maybe when there is more to see).
I have been having a lot of TMJ, to the point where if I massaged my jaw, it would make me nauseous and already it feels much more relaxed, which I'm really excited about. I have this theory that the TMJ might have something to do with back pain that I have had for years and at my last yoga class, I did a back bend that usually involves me trying hard to remember to breath and this time I thought I could stay there forever, there was a distinct absence of pain, I don't want to get too excited just yet, as it could be a fluke, I'll see what happens next time.
I'm still quite self-conscious about them though, I shared a table at Planet Organic the other day with a father and daughter and it was quite hard to eat and talk with strangers at the same time - I resorted to the Japanese hand movement - my hand shot in front of my mouth a lot.
I have been having a lot of TMJ, to the point where if I massaged my jaw, it would make me nauseous and already it feels much more relaxed, which I'm really excited about. I have this theory that the TMJ might have something to do with back pain that I have had for years and at my last yoga class, I did a back bend that usually involves me trying hard to remember to breath and this time I thought I could stay there forever, there was a distinct absence of pain, I don't want to get too excited just yet, as it could be a fluke, I'll see what happens next time.
I'm still quite self-conscious about them though, I shared a table at Planet Organic the other day with a father and daughter and it was quite hard to eat and talk with strangers at the same time - I resorted to the Japanese hand movement - my hand shot in front of my mouth a lot.
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Birds nest
I'm finally having my hair cut tomorrow - I have ended up with a hairdresser who not only costs a fortune, but only deigns to actually cut hair about once a week (he teaches). I've had to move the appointment about three times (like I'm so busy) and now I've ended up with one at 4.15 which has got to be the worst time to have a hair cut, he'll just be thinking of tea and biscuits ...
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Thursday, February 16, 2006
Strange, but apparently true, TV digital set-top boxes are triggering lifeboat launches, two so far. Somehow they are sending emergency 1215 distress calls which are picked up by the RAF and lifeboats have been sent out. Some rather confused people have ended up with officials at their front doors looking for an explanation.
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Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Love & Food
Happy Valentines Day...
I have a meeting this evening, how crap is that? Or maybe it's cool - I refuse to be dictated to by a consumer-invented holiday. Bah humbug.
Help, I'm running out of things to eat - suggestions please... what I really want is crunchy vegetables... I know that might sound boring, but when you haven't had any for a week, it's an altogether different thing.
Also, I have the possibility of going out to dinner tomorrow evening... I'm trying to remember if the restaurant has anything I can eat... and eating in public could be a nasty, food stuck in braces, experience.
I have a meeting this evening, how crap is that? Or maybe it's cool - I refuse to be dictated to by a consumer-invented holiday. Bah humbug.
Help, I'm running out of things to eat - suggestions please... what I really want is crunchy vegetables... I know that might sound boring, but when you haven't had any for a week, it's an altogether different thing.
Also, I have the possibility of going out to dinner tomorrow evening... I'm trying to remember if the restaurant has anything I can eat... and eating in public could be a nasty, food stuck in braces, experience.
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Monday, February 13, 2006
Salt water
Cheek sore - wax and salt water = on the mend. Front teeth sore - I guess they must be moving.
Lovely afternoon skiving off work with KK and little R... We were at the children's playground when I recognized someone I worked with once about 10 years ago... London, so big and yet so small. We made eye contact across the climbing frame, either she didn't remember me or she did, either way a conversation would have been one of those awkward moments that I'm grateful to have let pass.
Lovely afternoon skiving off work with KK and little R... We were at the children's playground when I recognized someone I worked with once about 10 years ago... London, so big and yet so small. We made eye contact across the climbing frame, either she didn't remember me or she did, either way a conversation would have been one of those awkward moments that I'm grateful to have let pass.
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Saturday, February 11, 2006
Hello and welcome to those of you who are checking out the site from ArchWired... this is a 'whatever catches my eye' blog. At the moment 'braces' are high on the list! Anyone finding the site through a search engine and interested in braces - get yourselves over to ArchWired it's full of brilliant info.
I'm off to get some wax, I have some metal poking into my cheek...
I'm off to get some wax, I have some metal poking into my cheek...
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Made it to class!
Happy: managed to get to yoga thanks to Sandy (dog) waking me up in time. Embarrassingly, for the first time ever my mobile went off, not just once, but twice in class - it was my alarm clock... for those that are wondering... I forgot it was on.
Everyone was very nice about the braces, although most people didn't say anything and then I was in that situation where I didn't know if I should make a joke about them or not. S said I looked younger and A said they looked sweet, neither is true, but it was good to hear.
I am becoming slightly obsessed with cleaning my teeth; they sparkle!
Everyone was very nice about the braces, although most people didn't say anything and then I was in that situation where I didn't know if I should make a joke about them or not. S said I looked younger and A said they looked sweet, neither is true, but it was good to hear.
I am becoming slightly obsessed with cleaning my teeth; they sparkle!
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Friday, February 10, 2006
New Tomb!
Archaeologists have discovered an intact, ancient Egyptian tomb in the Valley of the Kings, the first since King Tutankhamun's was found in 1922.
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Wonderful Gig

Originally uploaded by Frizzworld.
Gemma Hayes & Kevin Shields.
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A night out with the braces
Gemma Hayes playing at a tiny venue in London.
It turned out to be one of those really special evenings. She has a beautiful voice and the venue was so small it really was a, 'you could be in your living room' experience... and amazingly Kevin Shields from My Bloody Valentine was an unexpected guest.
I'm not sure this was very cool, but I followed others in taking down one of the posters from the wall at the end and I got it signed for Simon. I made a lame joke about Uggs which she had mentioned, basically being such a small room it got very hot and I was wearing Uggs and wool trousers - I'd somehow forgotten I was going to a gig when I got changed - I blame the braces. It was a challenge to talk with them, I just about managed to get the words out, it's quite hard to know whether to try and hide them or not bother, and my lips seem to get caught up in them as I speak, I'm sure it will get easier.
She's playing in London again at the Scala on the 8 March.
It turned out to be one of those really special evenings. She has a beautiful voice and the venue was so small it really was a, 'you could be in your living room' experience... and amazingly Kevin Shields from My Bloody Valentine was an unexpected guest.
I'm not sure this was very cool, but I followed others in taking down one of the posters from the wall at the end and I got it signed for Simon. I made a lame joke about Uggs which she had mentioned, basically being such a small room it got very hot and I was wearing Uggs and wool trousers - I'd somehow forgotten I was going to a gig when I got changed - I blame the braces. It was a challenge to talk with them, I just about managed to get the words out, it's quite hard to know whether to try and hide them or not bother, and my lips seem to get caught up in them as I speak, I'm sure it will get easier.
She's playing in London again at the Scala on the 8 March.
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Thursday, February 09, 2006
Park 2

Originally uploaded by Frizzworld.
Reality hit... notice seen just as I was leaving the park.
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Park 1

Originally uploaded by Frizzworld.
Lovely walk in the park with Sandy...
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Flying people

Originally uploaded by Frizzworld.
I'd forgotten I'd taken this. Selfridges windows seen last week.
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Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Snacking... not
In my head right now: Banana - oh no can't eat, would need to brush teeth, take too long. Cherries - oh no can't eat, would hurt too much and need to brush teeth, take too long... I've discovered I'm a snackoholic, be it a healthy one... going through cold turkey...
Have been using the wax, never understood what it was for before... understand now, but so far gums are actually OK and just using it as a precautionary measure - nothing like being sensible.... Oh yes and I really want to eat something.
Ps. Kinda odd under the circumstances, but I slept really well.
Have been using the wax, never understood what it was for before... understand now, but so far gums are actually OK and just using it as a precautionary measure - nothing like being sensible.... Oh yes and I really want to eat something.
Ps. Kinda odd under the circumstances, but I slept really well.
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Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Braces, what again?
Well they are kinda monopolizing my thoughts.
Ok so now they are starting to get a bit achy... like slight tooth ache. I keep having visions of tearing them off my teeth and then I remember they are glued on...
One thing that I thought would be hard and is, is that I can't snack... and I really like to snack... but I have to do a whole teeth cleaning rigmarole every time I eat, so that takes any enjoyment out of the idea of snacking...
Ok so now they are starting to get a bit achy... like slight tooth ache. I keep having visions of tearing them off my teeth and then I remember they are glued on...
One thing that I thought would be hard and is, is that I can't snack... and I really like to snack... but I have to do a whole teeth cleaning rigmarole every time I eat, so that takes any enjoyment out of the idea of snacking...
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So far
So good. Still look horrible and Simon saw me this morning and said "you have braces", so they are noticeable. But no pain... which is great. They do feel very strange - like huge bits of metal attached to my teeth, which they are, except they aren't that huge, but I guess these things are relative and my teeth are quite small.
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Monday, February 06, 2006
Metal mouth
So the braces are on, although only the top ones so far... I was rather nervous, but all the people at the Ortho's office were lovely.... No pain yet, soup (home made thanks to R) and yogurt for dinner... I guess there is going to be a lot of that for a while. I am a bit worried about waking up tomorrow... I have to say that at the moment I do think they look pretty horrible... they're going to take some getting used to.
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Sorry for the lack of posts - Blogger was down for most of the weekend... I had a pretty low key one... staying in bed late, reading - I've started the Bee Season - I don't recommend the film except that it made me curious about the book, and seeing family.
Had a lovely unexpected evening with Irene on Saturday and an unexpected chat with a friend J, from way back. We both thought the other sounded exactly the same.
Will update you on the braces when they are on...
Had a lovely unexpected evening with Irene on Saturday and an unexpected chat with a friend J, from way back. We both thought the other sounded exactly the same.
Will update you on the braces when they are on...
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Friday, February 03, 2006
Mobile dependent
I forgot to take my phone out with me today [PANIC]. I realized I'd forgotten it as I was walking to the station, and considered for a moment going back to get it, but I'd found a good parking space, not so easy, so I dismissed the panic and carried on. Even though I'd had that horrible sense of something missing all day, I was very nonchalant when I got home, the damage having been done and only went to check for any messages after I'd eaten. So much for missing any cool happening, the only calls I'd missed, there were three, were from my orthodontist's office phoning to remind me about my appointment on Monday - like I wasn't thinking about it all day... that's two and a half days to go... until I become metal mouth.
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Listening & Laughing
I listened to my first podcasts this week. Finally caught up with the Ricky Gervais programmes. Very silly, but anything that has me laughing out loud whilst communting has to be good.
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Thursday, February 02, 2006
5 days to go until the braces.... In preparation I seem to be having a flossing rebellion thing going on. So now I'm scared of being told off by the hygienist this afternoon... like I really am fourteen years old.
On a different note, the new series of Desperate Housewives seems a bit boring or is it me?
On a different note, the new series of Desperate Housewives seems a bit boring or is it me?
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Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Been there...
create your own visited countries map
that's 11% of countries visited... 89% to go.
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Putting my hand up
Do you ever find yourself standing behind someone in a queue, at an information desk, who's asking a question and the person they are asking doesn't understand what they mean? So yesterday, I'm standing there listening to the confusion taking place, biting my tongue, wanting to jump right in there and answer the question - I think it must be a kick back to all those times at school when I didn't have the nerve to put my hand up. I stand there patiently listening and then my need to 'bring understanding', gets the better of me and I start explaining and the person whose job I've now started doing gives me this go away look... but it's OK, because my satisfaction/smugness overrides his pure hate.
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