Friday, March 31, 2006
Day 5
Well I'm posting from the Apple store just because it's seems high time. I'm done with my week of meetings, we had a relaxed goodbye lunch, we've packed so much in, it seems like it's been about three weeks, in a good holidayish kinda way.
I’ve just had my bottom braces put on and I had to have these stoppers [bite turbos] cemented to the back of my upper front teeth so I can't bite down on the lower braces, but it also means I can't bite down at all, I have no idea how I’m supposed to chew – I guess I’m not and I really do have a lisp... so I'm walking around lisping in a sing song Americanish tone, having picked up a little of my colleague's accent.
I’ve just had my bottom braces put on and I had to have these stoppers [bite turbos] cemented to the back of my upper front teeth so I can't bite down on the lower braces, but it also means I can't bite down at all, I have no idea how I’m supposed to chew – I guess I’m not and I really do have a lisp... so I'm walking around lisping in a sing song Americanish tone, having picked up a little of my colleague's accent.
Technorati Tags: braces
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Thursday, March 30, 2006
Day 4
A fairly short talk and then a lovely lunch looking over the old reading room at the British Museum. A quick stop for presents, then collapsing at the café on the fifth floor of Waterstones, the one with the view. I ordered a hot chocolate – and sent it back twice, then fell asleep on the sofa doing my AT exercise. We got, our like, fourth wind and went along to Book slam, which was good fun – some reading, rapping and singing.
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Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Day 3
Out the door early... back late. Sorry Anna for not calling...beat.
We met, we talked, and we met some more and talked some more. Lunch and more talking. Then we met and talked some more and some more... that's four meetings plus lunch. I have raw gums (pass the salt solution) and two blisters and I'm telling you those very expensive gel plasters are no use at all. All in all a very good day, apart from the pain.
We met, we talked, and we met some more and talked some more. Lunch and more talking. Then we met and talked some more and some more... that's four meetings plus lunch. I have raw gums (pass the salt solution) and two blisters and I'm telling you those very expensive gel plasters are no use at all. All in all a very good day, apart from the pain.
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Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Day 2
Travel, meeting, travel home, travel dinner - thanks everyone for coming - it was lovely to see you all... lets make it more often! Thanks A for letting me stay, it made a big difference not to have to leave early to get back to the suburbs...
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Monday, March 27, 2006
Day 1
Meeting, talking, eating, shopping… remember to breath… and I wore the top and it is too tight, especially after the tasty Indian and the chocolate cake at the weekend.
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Sunday, March 26, 2006
Ads, oh so many
"The scheduling of our adverts complies fully with regulations laid down by OFCOM, and this is closely monitored by our compliance team here at Channel 4." 20 Oct 2005 Channel 4 Viewer EnquiriesThis was the reply I received from Channel 4 after complaining about the placement of their ads going the American way... more ads than programme. Now it appears that the "compliance team" have been 'out for coffee' a lot.
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Saturday, March 25, 2006
Puffed sleeves
Next week a colleague is coming over from across the pond and we have a week of meetings planned, a welcome break from lurking in archives. I've spent the last few days mentally preparing myself for the onslaught of being 'sociable', which also means looking a bit smarter than I need to most days. I looked at my once favourite smart trousers and realised that they were bobbled, hairy (Sandy's, not mine), and baggy in places I hadn't noticed before. So on my way home yesterday I took the bus down to Oxford Circus for a reluctant quickish stop at Topshop, with an unspent voucher from T in hand.
I headed off to the petite section, (being growth hormone challenged from a young age), which makes life so much easier, instead of doing my head in looking around the whole shop, (it's far too big), I just have a small area to peruse. Quite often it takes five minutes to realize there is nothing of interest, but once in a while I come across a gem and this was one of those days, there hanging up were pairs of smart black trousers, perfect. Even better there was a petite version of a white shirt I had eyed longingly in the standard size a few weeks back, even tried on, but had reluctantly decided that it was just too big. So I joined the queue for the changing rooms and guess what, once on, I looked like I was auditioning for the part of a waitress in a bad movie, as an aside, I realized the two really didn't work together.
The trousers fitted well, but the top on the other hand I couldn't decide about, the sleeves were a little extreme; short and puffed and it was still a bit big, also it was obvious that it had been tried on one too many times, having lost any remnant of starchiness it once had. I checked for a smaller size and trudged back to changing rooms. It was a little tight over my slack belly, but by then I was too tired to make a sensible decision, so I decided, choosing to ignore the voice in my head saying no, to go for the smaller size (anyone for sit-ups?) on the basis that it was in better condition than the bigger size, huh? What do you bet I'm back before the end of the week… any idea what's the best time to head for the returns counter? At the moment I can't face looking in the bag, I'm just hoping I was right about the trousers at least, moral of the story is I shouldn't even attempt to go shopping when I'm tired.
I headed off to the petite section, (being growth hormone challenged from a young age), which makes life so much easier, instead of doing my head in looking around the whole shop, (it's far too big), I just have a small area to peruse. Quite often it takes five minutes to realize there is nothing of interest, but once in a while I come across a gem and this was one of those days, there hanging up were pairs of smart black trousers, perfect. Even better there was a petite version of a white shirt I had eyed longingly in the standard size a few weeks back, even tried on, but had reluctantly decided that it was just too big. So I joined the queue for the changing rooms and guess what, once on, I looked like I was auditioning for the part of a waitress in a bad movie, as an aside, I realized the two really didn't work together.
The trousers fitted well, but the top on the other hand I couldn't decide about, the sleeves were a little extreme; short and puffed and it was still a bit big, also it was obvious that it had been tried on one too many times, having lost any remnant of starchiness it once had. I checked for a smaller size and trudged back to changing rooms. It was a little tight over my slack belly, but by then I was too tired to make a sensible decision, so I decided, choosing to ignore the voice in my head saying no, to go for the smaller size (anyone for sit-ups?) on the basis that it was in better condition than the bigger size, huh? What do you bet I'm back before the end of the week… any idea what's the best time to head for the returns counter? At the moment I can't face looking in the bag, I'm just hoping I was right about the trousers at least, moral of the story is I shouldn't even attempt to go shopping when I'm tired.
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Friday, March 24, 2006
Being connected
London is awash with wifi and I didn't realize...
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Thursday, March 23, 2006
I was the 'body' for A's exam yesterday, which wasn't quite as blissful. In fact it was rather stressful with the examiner walking around looking very serious and everyone nervous. It's always strange to be the outsider in a group of people who've been through something together, interesting to watch for a while, but then I had to get out of there. Congratulations A.
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Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Not in this world
Am being the 'body' for a friend doing a massage course, bliss... Whilst earlier in the day I got caught by a stranger licking out the last bit of foam from my hot chocolate...
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Monday, March 20, 2006
Green Wing
OK T I take it back, it's funny... [Green Wing]
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Just asking
Queston: Has Zadie Smith had a nose job? I only ask because I saw a picture where she looked a bit different. If she has it's a very good one.
PS. She wrote an astute article on the Hollywood thing in the Sunday Telegraph [S bought it for the free film - no really.]
PS. She wrote an astute article on the Hollywood thing in the Sunday Telegraph [S bought it for the free film - no really.]
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Hands and feet
Back in the real world again after almost two weeks of being home with full blown flu. I missed the Punk Purim party on Saturday, shame because it sounded cool.
Autogenic Training - the story so far - I was late to my last session and the guy forgot to come and get me, so I was in the waiting room stressing out, which was a kinda defeating the object situation. I calmed down and whilst trying a new exercise I got to the point where I lost the sensation of my hands and feet - couldn't tell if they were still there – powerful stuff.
Autogenic Training - the story so far - I was late to my last session and the guy forgot to come and get me, so I was in the waiting room stressing out, which was a kinda defeating the object situation. I calmed down and whilst trying a new exercise I got to the point where I lost the sensation of my hands and feet - couldn't tell if they were still there – powerful stuff.
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Friday, March 17, 2006
Not enough water
Hose pipe ban, yep starting next month... here's an A-Z of how to save water.
Did you know:
Did you know:
- a tap running wastes almost 9 litres a minute, so turn it off when you brush those teeth.
- Every time you boil an egg save the cooled water for your houseplants - I hadn't thought of that one.
- Only fill the Kettle with enough water for your needs, I will try and remember...
- Taking a five minute shower every day, instead of a bath, will use a third of the water, saving up to 400 litres a week. Can we make it a little over five minutes, seems a bit stingy and what if you have to wash your hair?
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Photo's galore
Raving about Flickr, everyone's doing it... Dave Gorman in the Guardian. [via Sasha]
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Dogster for the love of dog... Where Every Dog Has A Webpage!
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Browser troubles
Having convinced numerous people that Firefox was the way to go, I've had to reluctantly revert back to Safari. The latest version of Firefox keeps crashing on me. I've checked and I'm not the only one it's happening to, I'm going to miss those tabs.
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Nail speak. Onyx and I'm Not Really a Waitress (both OPI) have completely spoilt me and London Bus Red (Chanel), which seemed the height of sophistication last year, is now just a bland disappointment.
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Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Podcast: Woman's Hour
Yippee, Woman's Hour have started a podcast. No excuse now not to listen to one of the best shows around, go here to find out more. I'm a little disappointed though, as at the moment it's just one item from each programme, lets have the whole show please.
Technorati Tags: podcast, Woman's Hour
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Monday, March 13, 2006
Missing flowers
Someone seems to have kindly thought that we no longer wanted to be troubled by the daffodils in our front garden. The wonders of living in suburbia, big R is kinda upset. On a side note, daffodils will always remind me of Mrs D.
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Saturday, March 11, 2006
The former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic, is found dead in his cell... BBC News
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Holding the mike
Scrap's from Jewish Book Week...
Well I thought what job could Mekella give me, which would make me nervous – the microphone came a voice in my head. You know you can't hide holding the mic and what with the braces and all. There's me scrolling down the 'final rota' and hey I'm doing the microphone. Thought, that's fine, it's a challenge, I'll be fine. So I was a little nervous which meant I caught bits of Linda Grant (with imposing handbag) The People of the Street, interesting, but I wanted more –it could have been there and the nerves meant I missed it. Jeremy Leigh, Jewish Journeys – can I do a trip with this man. Did you know that there are parts of Jewish gravestones used as bricks within the walls of Barcelona's Cathedral? Please can I come, I'll make the tea (warning: I'm actually not good at making tea, I forget). Adam Le Bor on Arabs and Jews in Jaffa through the pictures of families living there – I kept thinking of humus – I was once taken for the best humus in Jaffa, we had to go for breakfast, as they would run out by late morning. Henry Goodman went to the Lisa Appignanesi discussion and gave up his seat to an old woman, she went over all shy and her son (I'm presuming here) took it instead, he was far too old not to know better… they made a strange couple. Naomi Alderman and Shalom Auslander were very good. On first impression Auslander has the persona of a Rottweiler, wound up and very tense, he slowly uncoiled. He made an interesting comment about the correlation between ones image of god and ones own father. Mike Leigh and Mark Lawson were good, except for the awful questions that Leigh kept being asked. He semi humorously told the person who thought there were too many F words in his play Two Thousand Years to F*** Off! Imre Kertesz was awe inspiring despite the not so good chair. I'm not a fan of thrillers, I scare easily, so I've not read any of Sara Paretsky's books, but she came over as a very warm and genuine person and got a surprise bar a chocolate from someone in the audience. Then there was The Orientalist, in the shape of Lev Nussimbaum, a Jew who decided to turn himself into a Muslim prince and seemed to lead one of those lives that only exist in the past. We got our laughs from Sandi Toksvig, who's book Hitler's Canary, is a novel about the Danish Jews during WWII.
And whilst sitting behind the enquires desk… A woman who picked up a dating brochure, with a cheeky smile, for her two unmarried sons. A man on crutches who came up demanding front row seats for Mike Leigh, trailing behind a girlfriend calling, Trev... A man wanting to be the first into a room even when the previous talk hadn't yet finished, an embarrassed daughter about to walk off (haven't we all been there). A man with a stick and a hearing aid in need of a seat. I met the Aunt and uncle of a friend I've not seen in years… he remembered I had curly hair (it was still straight), but thought I was a twin – interesting idea, but not true. A friend of the same friend as above, which means I haven't seen her in even longer, but we managed to remember each others names. A few 2g, although not as many as I expected – hey guys where were you? And of course some new people, which is always fun.
It was really good to be out there – I'm often found hiding away in archives these days, or with my head in a computer screen or both, so it made a very pleasant change.
Well I thought what job could Mekella give me, which would make me nervous – the microphone came a voice in my head. You know you can't hide holding the mic and what with the braces and all. There's me scrolling down the 'final rota' and hey I'm doing the microphone. Thought, that's fine, it's a challenge, I'll be fine. So I was a little nervous which meant I caught bits of Linda Grant (with imposing handbag) The People of the Street, interesting, but I wanted more –it could have been there and the nerves meant I missed it. Jeremy Leigh, Jewish Journeys – can I do a trip with this man. Did you know that there are parts of Jewish gravestones used as bricks within the walls of Barcelona's Cathedral? Please can I come, I'll make the tea (warning: I'm actually not good at making tea, I forget). Adam Le Bor on Arabs and Jews in Jaffa through the pictures of families living there – I kept thinking of humus – I was once taken for the best humus in Jaffa, we had to go for breakfast, as they would run out by late morning. Henry Goodman went to the Lisa Appignanesi discussion and gave up his seat to an old woman, she went over all shy and her son (I'm presuming here) took it instead, he was far too old not to know better… they made a strange couple. Naomi Alderman and Shalom Auslander were very good. On first impression Auslander has the persona of a Rottweiler, wound up and very tense, he slowly uncoiled. He made an interesting comment about the correlation between ones image of god and ones own father. Mike Leigh and Mark Lawson were good, except for the awful questions that Leigh kept being asked. He semi humorously told the person who thought there were too many F words in his play Two Thousand Years to F*** Off! Imre Kertesz was awe inspiring despite the not so good chair. I'm not a fan of thrillers, I scare easily, so I've not read any of Sara Paretsky's books, but she came over as a very warm and genuine person and got a surprise bar a chocolate from someone in the audience. Then there was The Orientalist, in the shape of Lev Nussimbaum, a Jew who decided to turn himself into a Muslim prince and seemed to lead one of those lives that only exist in the past. We got our laughs from Sandi Toksvig, who's book Hitler's Canary, is a novel about the Danish Jews during WWII.
And whilst sitting behind the enquires desk… A woman who picked up a dating brochure, with a cheeky smile, for her two unmarried sons. A man on crutches who came up demanding front row seats for Mike Leigh, trailing behind a girlfriend calling, Trev... A man wanting to be the first into a room even when the previous talk hadn't yet finished, an embarrassed daughter about to walk off (haven't we all been there). A man with a stick and a hearing aid in need of a seat. I met the Aunt and uncle of a friend I've not seen in years… he remembered I had curly hair (it was still straight), but thought I was a twin – interesting idea, but not true. A friend of the same friend as above, which means I haven't seen her in even longer, but we managed to remember each others names. A few 2g, although not as many as I expected – hey guys where were you? And of course some new people, which is always fun.
It was really good to be out there – I'm often found hiding away in archives these days, or with my head in a computer screen or both, so it made a very pleasant change.
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Go read
Take a look at The Religious Policeman's blog for an irreverent look at Sandi Arabia and the Middle East, informative and funny.
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Friday, March 10, 2006
Looking up
Head only half a brick now and I can smell the Vicks, so I'm on the mend. Managed to actually open my computer yesterday for the first time this week, which just goes to show how poorly I was feeling. I have things to write JBW, first month in braces - all thrilling stuff, but it will have to wait until all the clays gone.
And in a flu induced ramble I managed to confuse a friend about which digital camera she should buy, although that probably would of happened without the added virus.
And in a flu induced ramble I managed to confuse a friend about which digital camera she should buy, although that probably would of happened without the added virus.
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Thursday, March 09, 2006
Too heavy to hold up
Head like a brick, I can't even smell Vicks VapoRub, which I bought as a retro thing during my last cold. Off back to bed.
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Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Another good day working for Jewish Book Week. I'm now the proud owner of a signed copy of Imre Kertész's [newly translated] book Fatelessness.
I've come down with some kind of flu complete with fever, aching legs, and a streaming cold. Not to mention sneezing fits which Sandy doesn't think much of.
I've come down with some kind of flu complete with fever, aching legs, and a streaming cold. Not to mention sneezing fits which Sandy doesn't think much of.
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Saturday, March 04, 2006
Sweet music
Bought Corinne Bailey Rae's album today... Z and I have tickets to see her next month, I had no idea she was going to be so 'big'.
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Friday, March 03, 2006
It's not all his fault.
Blair, god and Iraq... BBC News...
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Flashback to after school TV - Monkey as in Monkey magic - that strange Japanese cult children's program, the one I thought I was the only person watching until I grew up, is on ITV4. Go watch...
Lots of fighting with long sticks and badly dubbed English, a classic.
Go on you remember: Tripitaka, Pigsy, and Sandy, I've just been reading (displacement) that it actually retells a 16th century Chinese epic quest story, called Hsi Yu Chi (Journey to the West). Apparently, the Tang Priest Hsüan Tsang (Tripitaka) is traveling to a monastery in India to retrieve some Buddhist scriptures. I wonder if there is a game version now?
Lots of fighting with long sticks and badly dubbed English, a classic.
Go on you remember: Tripitaka, Pigsy, and Sandy, I've just been reading (displacement) that it actually retells a 16th century Chinese epic quest story, called Hsi Yu Chi (Journey to the West). Apparently, the Tang Priest Hsüan Tsang (Tripitaka) is traveling to a monastery in India to retrieve some Buddhist scriptures. I wonder if there is a game version now?
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Beware of God

Originally uploaded by Frizzworld.
Shalom Auslander (scary, but funny) signing copies of his book Beware of God after a good session at Jewish Book Week. I think this might be the one book I end up buying.
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Chill out

Originally uploaded by Frizzworld.
Sometimes when you need a quiet place to chill out, even a stairwell will do.
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Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Now you don't!

Originally uploaded by Frizzworld.
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Now you see it...

Originally uploaded by Frizzworld.
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Grabbing the bargains

Originally uploaded by Frizzworld.
No, not queuing for the bar... middle class Surrey queuing to pay for their White Company bargains post scrum. Anna and I braved the crowds and ended up with a bag of goodies each. And an extra pair of cashmere gloves...
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